Wednesday, 23 November 2011


In the field of science and technology,computers are  use at every step.Computers are used to solve mathematical and scientific problems.Computers are also used in research and development works,

In engineering,computers are used,for designing cars,aircraft,trains and other kinds of machines.Now a days architects are widely using computers to design building and houses.

Another use of computers is found in the field of Physics,especially Nuclear Physics.Computers are widely used in Nuclear laboratories,atomic reactors weapons manufacturing factories etc.


The use of computers in industry is rapidly increasing.Different kinds of computers are widely used in the car manufacturing and assembling industries,steel mills weapons assembling and manufacturing plants,textile industries and aircraft/ship assembling and manufacturing etc.

Along with ordinary computers,Robots are used in these industries.Robots are machines whose work is controlled by computers.

Robots are installed where it is difficult for human beings to work.